
发布时间:2022/11/23   阅读量:






祝小云,博士,中南大学特聘副教授,主要从事肝脏疾病的新靶点确证和天然活性物质研究。中国药理学通报青年编辑委员会委员。2021年于中国药科大学获博士学位,同年12月以特聘副教授身份引进至bwin必赢药理系工作。以第一作者在Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy, Journal of Hepatology, British journal of pharmacology 等杂志发表 SCI 论文6篇,第一作者累计影响因子105.032,其中单篇最高影响因子 38.104。主持国家自然科学青年项目基金。

个人主页: https://faculty.csu.edu.cn/zhuxiaoyun


1. Xiaoyun Zhu; Yanqiu Zhang; Yucheng Zhao; Dejuan Xiang; Jie Zou; Ourania Andrisani; Hao Zhang; Lingyi Kong. LIX1-like protein drives hepatic stellate cell activation to promote liver fibrosis by regulation of chemokine mRNA stability. Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy, 2021,6(319), IF=38.104

2. Xiaoyun Zhu; Shengtao Ye; Dongke Yu; Yanqiu Zhang; Jie Li; Meihui Zhang; Yingrong Leng; Ting Yang; Jianguang Luo; Xinlin Chen; Hao Zhang; Lingyi Kong. Physalin B attenuates liver fibros is via suppressing LAP2α–HDAC1-mediated deacetylation of the transcription factor GLI1 and hepatic stellate cell activation. British Journal of Pharmacology, 2021, (178): 3428-3447, IF=9.473

3. Jie Li#; Xiaoyun Zhu#; Meihui Zhang; Yanqiu Zhang; Shengtao Ye; Yingrong Leng; Ting Yang; Lingyi Kong; Hao Zhang. Limb expression 1-like (LIX1L) protein promotes cholestatic liver injury by regulating bile acid metabolism. Journal of Hepatology, 2021, 75(2): 400-413, IF=30.083

4. Jie Zou#; Xiaoyun Zhu#; Dejuan Xiang; Yanqiu Zhang; Jie Li; Zhigui Su; Lingyi Kong; Hao Zhang. LIX1-like protein promotes liver cancer progression via miR-21-3p-mediated inhibition of fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase. Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B, 2021, 11(6): 1578-1591, IF=14.903

5. Dejuan Xiang#; Xiaoyun Zhu#; Yanqiu Zhang; Jie Zou; Jie Li; Lingyi Kong; Hao Zhang. Tribbles homolog 2 promotes hepatic fibrosis and hepatocarcinogenesis through phosphatase 1A‐Mediated stabilization of yes‐associated protein. Liver International, 2021, (41): 1131-1147, IF=8.754

